Roadside Landscape Design Guidelines for Developing a Scenic Route Project

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Onumpai samkhuntod
Pavinee Inchompoo


This research article contains question of how to design and improve roadside landscape for a scenic route. What are the appropriate guidelines? The objectives of the project are: to study and survey rural roads; to propose guidelines for designing and improving the corridor landscape; and to develop knowledge for a scenic route development project. Data collection consisted of basic road information, intrinsic quality of scenic route, transportation network and road safety, and impact factors. The analysis was focused on visual and scenic assessment, as well as potential and constraints in developing the project. The landscape conceptual design emphasized on presenting identity and unique features of the route, along with preserving scenic quality and landscape characteristics. The development should be on a proper scale based on necessity, simple design which harmonizes with the surroundings, and durability and convenience of maintenance. The scenic route main features consist of the start and end points, scenic points, tourism attraction parking, bicycle paths, landscaping, and signage. Suggestions for the next phase is to conduct site survey in detail for landscape design development including collaborating with stakeholder agencies and local communities for a successful and sustainable development of scenic routes.

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