The Facility Management Model of Temporary Shelter for COVID-19 Patients: A Case Study of the CUVCare Project, Chulanives Building, Chulalongkorn University

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Vorapat Inkarojrit


In response to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, Chulalongkorn University (CU) established the CU Center of COVID-19 Emergency Operation Center and started the Chulalongkorn University Volunteer Care (CUVCare) Project with the ultimate goals of providing alternative sheltering option for the university’s staff and students and to alleviate the hospital-overcrowding problem.  Chulanives Building was renovated and used as a temporary shelter for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms who were advised to practice self-isolation. Using Chulanives Building as a case study, this research describes the facility management model of temporary shelter including the conceptual framework, guidelines for shelter preparation, and guidelines for managing human resources. This research concludes that the establishment of temporary shelters is one of the methods in improving infection prevention in the community. Other organizations can adapt the facility management model of temporary shelter for infection prevention and control of similar situations and for future public health emergencies.

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