The Perspectives of Stakeholders on Definitions, PhysicalCharacteristics, and Supporting Measures for Affordable Housing in Bangkok

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Panissara Kitisuthatham
Nattapong Punnoi


This paper aims to explore stakeholder perspectives on developing affordable housing in Bangkok through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The study investigates three areas: definitions, critical criteria, and supporting measures. The data will be collected from stakeholders representing three sectors: the public sector, the private sector, and academia and non-governmental organizations. This research has established a framework for developing in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys as part of its study from case studies of affordable housing development in other countries. During the literature review of case studies from other countries, it was discovered that affordable housing targets not only low-income households but also middle-income households, as housing affordability affects everyone. In contrast to the findings of this study, most respondents across all sectors believe that affordable housing is aimed at low-income households in the 41st - 60th percentiles of the income distribution, with a price that should not exceed 25% of their target income. Such examples are only part of the discussion that arises from the results of this study. This research will serve as a starting point for discussions on key factors in developing affordable housing and will be useful for policymakers as a framework to exchange views among stakeholders and create housing policy in Bangkok.

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