The Administration of Infrastructures Based on The Good Governance Principle by the Administrators of Hora Sub-District Administrative Organization in Art Samart District, Roi Et Province

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ศศิธร สุมาลี
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์


                  The Objectives of the research article were to 1) to study residents’ opinions on administrators’ good governance-based administrations of infrastructures undertaken by Hora sub-district administrative organization in Roi Et province’s Art Samart district, 2) to compare the former’s opinions on the latter’s such administrations as classified by the former’s different genders, ages and educational levels, and 3) to examine the former’s suggestions for administrations of its infrastructures. It was derived from the mixed method research. The sampling group included household chiefs/eighteen-year-age representatives from every village in its authorized area, numbering 380 residents from 380 households. The research device was the five-rating scale questionnaire of 30 questions, each of which had the reliability at. .83. Statistics used for the research embraced means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-test (One-way ANOVA) by making use of the computer package to supplement analyses.

                  Research findings 1)Administrators’ good governance-based administrations of its infrastructures undertaken by the above administrative organization have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect, as has each of five aspects taken into consideration. All aspects placed in the descending order of means are: social welfares, education, religious affairs, traditions cultures, and public health and public utilities. 2) The hypothesis testing results have found that residents’ different genders, ages and educational levels have overall shown no differences in their opinions on administrators’ good governance-based administrations of its infrastructures. In contrast to one single aspect taken into consideration} their statuses prove significantly different in educational with the level of statistical significance at .05 3) Residents’ suggestions for administrators’ good governance-based administrations of its infrastructures have been recommended in the descending order of first three frequencies that: the issuance of fiscal regulations should be publicized to keep residents thoroughly informed, spread  pieces of information on public health services on the regular basis.

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How to Cite
สุมาลี ศ., & จิตต์จันทร์ ด. (2018). The Administration of Infrastructures Based on The Good Governance Principle by the Administrators of Hora Sub-District Administrative Organization in Art Samart District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 11–18. Retrieved from
Research Article


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