An Application of the Two Principles of Sobhana Dhamma to Management of the Seniors Allowance by the Thung Siri Mueang Sub-District Administrative Organization, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province

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กำพล มืดทัพไทย
รองศาสตราจารย์อุดม พิริยสิงห์


                   The Objectives of the research article were 1) to study an application of the Two Principles of  Sobhana Dhamma (Gracing Virtues) to management of the seniors allowance by Thung Srimueang Sub-district Administrative Organization, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province,  2) to compare the opinions of the senior citizens, the recipients of the seniors allowance, in the said area, classified by gender, age  and education,  and 3) to survey the suggestions proposed by the said respondents. The samples were the senior citizens, who were the recipients of the seniors allowance from the above-mentioned organization, totally 284 in number. The device used for data collection was the five-rating scale questionnaire bearing reliability of .93. The computer program was used for data analysis, and statistical tools were frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., t-test and f-test (One way ANOVA).

                   The research results were as follows : 1) According to the recipients of the seniors allowance, an application of  the Two Principles of Sobhana Dhamma (Gracing Virtues) to management of the seniors allowance by Thung Srimueang Sub-district Administrative Organization, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province, was found, in both overall and individual aspects, to stand at the ‘MUCH’ level. The aspect that showed the highest mean was the persons in charge, followed by the service steps, the time of service per case and service facilitation, respectively.  2) The comparison of the recipients’ opinions about an application of  the Two Principles of Sobhana Dhamma (Gracing Virtues) to management of the seniors allowance by the said organization, classified by gender and education was found, in both overall and individual  aspects, to show no statistically  significant difference, which did not meet with the syntheses set. The comparison by age was found, in an overall aspect, to show no statistically significant difference, but in an individual aspect, it was found that the aspects of the persons in charge and the time of service per case showed the statistically significant difference at the rate of .05. 3) The suggestions proposed by the respondents were the following : (1) The persons in charge were recommended to pay more intention while serving, and their gentle manners, modest speech and familiarity were needed.  (2) The access to various channels of receiving the allowance such as direct payment and payment via bank accounts should be provided.  (3) The punctuality of payment was suggested. (4) In case there were some 60-year old persons failed to get registered, it should be the duty of the persons in charge to inform them of the matter and help them, and the authenticity of the related documents should also be approved.

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How to Cite
มืดทัพไทย ก., & พิริยสิงห์ ร. (2018). An Application of the Two Principles of Sobhana Dhamma to Management of the Seniors Allowance by the Thung Siri Mueang Sub-District Administrative Organization, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 28–38. Retrieved from
Research Article


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