The Opinions of the Treasury Land Tenants About The Service Rendered by the Treasury Office in Kalasin Province
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The objectives of the research were 1) to study the opinions of the treasury land tenants about the service rendered by the Treasury Office in Kalasin Province, 2) to compare the opinions of the treasury land tenants in the said area, classified by gender, age and income, and 3) to survey the suggestions and recommendations proposed by the respondents. The samples were the tenants as mentioned, totally 384 in number. The device used for data collection was the five-rating scale questionnaire with reliability at the rate of 0.70, and the statistical tools employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., t-test (Independent Samples) and f-test (One way ANOVA).
The research results were as follows: 1) The opinions of the treasury land tenants about the service rendered by the Treasury Office in Kalasin Province were found, on both overall and individual aspects, to stand at the ‘MOST’ level. The aspect that stood on top of the level was the service instrument, followed by service counter, persons in charge and service steps, respectively. 2) The comparison of the respondents’ related opinions, classified by gender, age and income, was found to show the no statistically significant difference at the rate of .05. 3) The suggestions proposed by the respondents were the following: (1) The brochure/documents dealing with the renting of the treasury lands should published and distributed. (2) The documents available at present were less in number, and their number should be increased to meet with the demands. (3) The information posters, where the location maps were shown, should be prepared to facilitate the contacts.
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