Opinions of Members and Administrators of Local Administrative Organizations on the Dissolution of Sub district Administrative Organizations as Municipality : A Case study of Local Administrative Organizations In Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen, Khon Kaen Province
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This Research aims to study opinions, compare opinions of members and administrators of local administrative organizations on the dissolution of Tambon administrative organizations as municipalities in the district of Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen. Khon Kaen Province. Classified by sex, age, educational level , position and monthly income. To study the management development of members and administrators of local administrative organizations. The total of the sub-district administrative organizations is the municipality. In the district of Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen. Khon Kaen Province. Mixed Method Research was conducted by Quantitative Research. The sample size of 170 samples was statistically significant at the .05 level using a 5-point scale. The reliability was .813. Statistics for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA/F-test, and qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews, 10 informants, descriptive analysis.
The Study Indicated that 1)Comments The members and administrators of the local administrative organizations for the dissolution of the Tambon Administration Organization are the municipality in Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen. It was found in Khon Kaen Province. Overall, the average level was high. And when considering each aspect at all levels. From the top three levels, planning is at a high level. Secondary Coordination and minimum Sequential control. 2)The Results of the comparative analysis of members and administrators. In the case of the subdivision, In the district of Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen. Khon Kaen Province by sex, age, educational level Previous page And monthly income. Overall and individual not different. 3)Guidelines for the development of management of members and administrators. In the case of the subdivision, In the district of Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen. Five aspects of Khon Kaen province were found. 1.) Planning The importance of meetings, administrators, council members and community leaders should be emphasized. And should be open Open the community forum. Let people take part in the planning. 2.) Organization It should be emphasized that public meetings, community representatives or people's representatives are important. Participating in the feedback, feedback and recommendations should focus on the division of work according to the management structure. Dividing responsibilities according to hierarchy. 3.) Management must have a vision. Management is based on fairness, ethics, and courage in decision making. 4.) Coordination Management should open up opportunities. Collaborate Commitment to subordinates. Invited people to participate in the project evaluation. and 5.) Control should provide opportunities for community leaders to play a role. Participating as a Director Project Monitoring And should evaluate the performance of government officials. State employees and employees.
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