The Academic Administration towards the ASEAN Community atmosphere of the Schools under the Office of Primary Education Service, Khon Kaen Area 4
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The purposes of the thesis were: 1) to study the academic administration amidst the ASEAN community atmosphere of the schools under the office of primary education service, Khon Kaen area 4. 2) to compare the academic administration amidst the ASEAN community atmosphere of the schools under the office of primary education service, Khon Kaen area 4 to differences of their position and work experiences, 3) to examine suggestions for the academic administration amidst the ASEAN community atmosphere of the schools under the office of primary education service, Khon Kaen area 4. The sampling was administrators 32, teacher 306, total 338 subjects working for their schools. The research instrument used for data collection was the Likert-type questionnaire, of which every question in the questionnaire had its IOC between 0.67 and 1.00, and its reliability at 0.94. Statistics for data analyses embraced: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test, comparing paired differences by Scheffe’s method.
Results of the study have found The following findings: 1)Current condition the academic administration amidst the ASEAN community atmosphere of the schools under the office of primary education service, Khon Kaen area 4.Overall, there is a level of practice Very high Sort by high to low is development of the curriculum, development of teaching, development of learning resources, measurement and evaluation of learning, development of Educational technology media and Education supervision. 2)To compare the academic administration amidst the ASEAN community atmosphere of the schools under the office of primary education service, Khon Kaen area 4 to differences of their position Overall, and the development of teaching and learning, measurement and evaluation of learning, development of learning resources, education supervision not different. The development of the curriculum, development of educational technology media. There were statistically significant differences at the .05 level. Classification of work experience overall and individual not different. 3)The suggestion the academic administration amidst the ASEAN community atmosphere of the schools under the office of primary education service, Khon Kaen area 4. Should promote and develop teacher skills the ability to manage the learning. Foreign language. Organize learning activities the innovation of learning or organize new activities with the school network. Collaborate with the private sector. To develop learning resources for the development of learners in the ASEAN community.
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