Development of the business management style Thai restaurants in Kunming city, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China
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Thai foods due to the variety of tastes. They are foods of health, consisting of herbs as main ingredients. Therefore the numbers of Thai restaurants have been expanded around the world and having tendency for the continued increasing, including Kunming in China. This study aims to : The study history, the current situation and problems and development of the business management style Thai restaurants in Kunming city, Yunnan Province, China. The participations consist of three sample groups : a group of six experts ; a group of thirty restaurant owners, manager, chefs, cook and staff ;and a group thirty customers. The data collection employed in this study surveys, interviews, focus groups and observation. Triangulation and descriptive analysis were used to analysis the data in accordance with the research objectives. The results of the study revealed that, on the history of the Thai restaurants in Kunming city, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China . There is not much longer. Thai restaurant owners, managers, chefs, cooks and staff most of Chinese people, a small part of Thai people. Moreover, the current location of the Thai restaurant in the city of Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. The research found that these restaurants are varied in size from large to small, depending on the number of seats, and their management capabilities. The most common problems found are high rental rates, Raw material price is uncertainties and lack of servicing skills. Development of the business management style Thai restaurants in Kunming city, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The research found that four formal. In terms of cooking In terms of price in additional to a dinning service in terms of promotion.
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