An Application to Use the Buddhadhamma to Cure Diabetes Patients: A Cast Study of Ban Don Sak Community, Hang-Chat District, Lampang Province
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Research “An Application to Use the Buddhadhamma to Cure Diabetes Patients: A Cast Study of Ban Don Sak Community, Hang-Chat District, Lampang Province”This has a purpose.1) To study the general condition of diabetes. 2) To study the Buddhadamma related to therapies principles Disease. 3) To study An Application to Use the Buddhadhamma to Cure Diabetes Patients: A Cast Study of Ban Don Sak Community, Hang-Chat District, Lampang Province. Integrated research, by documentation research quantitative and qualitative
The research found that : General status, Diabetes is, Chronic diseases caused by disorders in the act of insulin, or from the defect of pancreas. it is cause gave the blood sugar levels rise, it excess at kidney be retained, it has Glucose is filtered out through the urine, This disease called diabetes. And the main factor that causes this disease is, pancreas already received affected, Lack of exercise, part on symptom of diabetes, Most, Will have frequent urinary symptoms, Very urine, neck feel dry, Very thirsty, weight has decrease, tired, Inflammation skin, lesion slow cure, rod on skin, and blurry.
The doctrine in Buddhadhamma at related to disease therapy, Main use of Tilakkhana is, Aniccatã, Dukkhatã, Anattatã, Adjust your mind to live with the disease normally, Main use of Ahitthãna is,Paññã, Saccã, cãga, Upasamato control blood sugar, Main use of Sammappadhãna is, Sangvara-padhãna, pahãna- padhãna, Bhãvanã- padhãna, Anurakkhanã- padhãna on the use of blood glucose lowering drugs in patients, Main use of Iddhipãda is, Chanda, Viriya, Citta, Vimangsã in the care of physical and mental health, Main use of Apannaka-patipadã is, Indriya-sangvara, Bhojane-mattaññutã, Jãgariyãnuyoga on preventing complications.
An Application to Use the Buddhadhamma to Cure Diabetes Patients. An Application to use the Adhittana, To motivate mind gave has honest Intent per self on controlling sugar levels to the level recommended by doctors. Application to use the Sammappadhãna To consider that, What type of medicine affectsper reduction the blood sugar level,and no harm to health, It's the drug should continue, should not change the drug often, Because changing the drug often, make give miss the direction in treatment disease. Application to use the Iddhipãda for introduce and encourage. The case when the symptoms of diabetes. It's should care for extra health, Should not be discouraged with what happened. Application to use the Apannaka-patipadã to gave comment, Case when know that, self have diabetes. It should focusing lifestyle, Should not preoccupied in the degenerate way, It will make the body deteriorate.
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