Educational Institution Administration in Era 4.0 based on Iddhipada IV under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 30

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พระสุทธิพงษ์ สุเมธโส(งอกลาภ)
เจ้าอธิการบุญช่วย โชติวํโส,ดร.
พระครูสโมธานเขตคณารักษ์ ,ดร.


                  The Objectives of the research article were:1) to study the educational institution administration in the era 4.0 based on Iddhipadadhamma IV (iddhipāda, path of accomplishment) of the schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 30; 2) to compare the samples’ opinions towards the mentioned administration, classified by the sample personal factors: position, education and age; 3) to find out the ways to develop the foresaid administration. The samples of this mixed method research were 325 of educational administrators and teachers. The sample size was determined by using the method of Krejcies and Morgan. The target group included 20 samples, selected by purposive sampling. The tools used in data collection were a questionnaire with its reliability value of .98 and in-depth interview. The following statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test,   F-test (One Way ANOVA) were used in the data analysis.

                  The research results were as follows:

                  1. The mean scores of the educational institution administration in the era 4.0 of the schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 30 in both overall and studied aspects were at a high level. The highest can be seen in that of the aspect ‘the support of teacher and educational personnel development’ followed by that of ‘development of student quality and educational management to increase competitive capacity’, ‘development of a management system and encouragement of all sectors to participate in educational management’ and ‘educational management to increase the quality of life and environmental friendliness’.

                  2. Classified by the samples’ personal factors (position, education and age), the comparative scores of the samples’ opinions towards the aforesaid administration were different with the statistical significance level at .01.

                  3. Guidelines for the development of educational management in the era 4.0, according to on Iddhipada IV are as follows: 1) there should be a plan for promoting and guiding students to be honest. and to have ideal of anti-corruption;2) there should be satisfaction of bringing electronic media and modern technology to use within educational institutions, 3) teachers should be encouraged to develop themselves, to follow the news of the country and increase their skills, knowledge and capacity continuously; 4) the development of digital technology for education should be focused; lifelong learning, flexible learning, learning accessible with no time limit and location should be created; 5) the projects related to the conservation of nature and the environment such as green school, world conservation and energy conservation should be planned; 6)coordination, promotion, support for parents, communities and all related agencies should be focused on taking part in improving the quality of education

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How to Cite
สุเมธโส(งอกลาภ) พ., โชติวํโส,ดร. เ., & ,ดร. พ. (2019). Educational Institution Administration in Era 4.0 based on Iddhipada IV under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 30. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 252–262. retrieved from
Research Article


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