The State and Problems in Community Environmental Management of Village Health Volunteers Buriram Province
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The objectives of this research were l) To study the state of community environmental management of village health volunteers, 2) to study the problems in community environmental management of village health volunteers Buriram Province.Research hypothesis is1) The condition of community environmental management of village health volunteers Buriram province is at a moderate level.2)Problems in community environmental management of village health volunteers Buriram province is at a moderate level.The samples used in this study were village health volunteers. In Buriram province A total of 379 people.The tool used to collect data is a questionnaire divided into 4 parts: Part 1 General information of respondents. Is a response form. Part 2 Conditions in community environmental management Part 3 Problems in community environmental management with questions in part 2 and 3, which is a rating scale with 5 levels. Part 4: Recommendations regarding conditions and problems in community environmental management Is open-ended. The questionnaire has a coefficient of reliability of 0.92.Statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The findings show that:
1. The results of the analysis of the states in the community environmental management of village health volunteers Buriram province found that the states in community environmental management The Overview is at a moderate level. When considering the average value in each aspect, it was found that in the management of hygienic residences at a high level, followed by the management of drinking water, hygienic use and solid waste management in households and communities Which were found to be at a moderate level respectively.
2. The results of the analysis of problems in community environmental management of village health volunteers Buriram province found that the community environmental management problems of village health volunteers In overall, at a moderate level, it was found that there was a problem of solid waste management in households and communities at a high level, followed by the management of hygienic residences. And hygienic drinking water management which were found to be at a moderate level respectively.
3. The results of the study on community environmental management recommendations of village health volunteers Found that there was a suggestion that Should develop knowledge, practice skills in community environmental management. Village health volunteers must seek cooperation with communities and other sectors involved in community environmental management. And motivation in performing duties according to the roles of village health volunteers.
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