The Development of Self-directed Learning Model by using Online Learning to Enhance Knowledge Seeking and Responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 Students

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หอมจันทร์ แสงเสดาะ


                  The purposes of this study were:  1) to study and analyze the data of the development of self-directed learning and responsibility 2)  to develop the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility 3)  to experiment the development of self-directed learning model and responsibility and 4)  to analysis the effectiveness of the development of self-directed learning model and responsibility. Simple random sampling samples were 35 students studying in Prathomsuksa 6, semester 1 of academic year 2017, Wat Burapha Phi Ram Municipal School. The research instruments consisted of:  1)  handbook of development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility 2) online learning  3)  lesson plan  4)  evaluation form for self-directed learning  5)  evaluation form for responsibility behavior 6)  evaluation form for learning achievement, and 7) questionnaire for students’ satisfaction for development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 students. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used for the quantitative data analysis and content analysis was used for qualitative data.

                  The results of this study indicated that:

                  1. The results of basic data analysis of the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 students consisted of 5 steps: 1) Need Analysis for Learning  2) Learning Goal.3) Learning Plan4)  Seeking for Answers,  and  5) Learning Assessment.

                  2. The satisfaction level of experts toward the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 students were very high. The satisfaction level of teachers toward the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 students were very high.

                   3. After using the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning, the students were increased to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility than before using the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning statistically significant at the .05 level.

                     4. Results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 students showed as follow; (1) The students’ knowledge seeking after learning the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning was increased statistically significant at the .05 level. (2) The students’ responsibility after learning the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning was increased statistically significant at the .05 level. (3) The learning achievement score after learning the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning was increased statistically significant at the .05 level. (4) The satisfaction level of students toward the development of self-directed learning model by using online learning to enhance knowledge seeking and responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 students were very high.

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How to Cite
แสงเสดาะ ห. (2019). The Development of Self-directed Learning Model by using Online Learning to Enhance Knowledge Seeking and Responsibility of Phrathomsuksa 6 Students. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 285–297. retrieved from
Research Article


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