2 Decades of Changing and Thai Political Development Directions

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วรเชษฐ์ โทอื้น


                  This article is an attempt to reflect the views about the changes that have occurred in society over the last 2 centuries. The changes are linked to several sectors in society such as the economy. Society, education, information technology, politics, and international relations. Benefits and conflicts expressed through different forms of media are used in creating legitimacy to a group of their own, while also possessing a power. The groups that lose power and the benefits would still try every way to normalcy return to the powers-that-never occupied. Regardless of the moral, ethical and legal principles of public needs. A political movement-oriented benefits and fighting each other is a natural in social . Several strategies were visible in many forms. However the changes have created a social paradigm, in various forms and is also an interesting approach in the development of the political system and the society of Thailand to suit their own contexts, really interesting.

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How to Cite
โทอื้น ว. (2018). 2 Decades of Changing and Thai Political Development Directions. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(1), 318–331. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/195002
Academic Article


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