Problem Solving on Financial Asset Inequality
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The financial asset inequality in Thailand remained a significant obstacle to develop the country’s grass-root economy, and it encouraged the country’s Fiscal Ministry urgently to deal with and attempt to solve the problems with its financial mechanism. When the government led by H.E. Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand, had issued the welfare smart card polity to assist Thai people, this became to ensure the decrease of the country’s financial asset inequality. However, the financial asset inequality was not reflected only from people’s income but also from ‘access to funding resources’ which was seen an important index for the poor’s unequal opportunities. As the matter of fact, the richer or business sectors took advantages to access more financial resources and to have less spending than the poor without any financial guarantee or social security. The government led by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha held its original held its original policy to distribute money to the grass roots through the latest project ‘Welfare Card,’ which was seen to become the country’s new fiscal time bomb or not.
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