Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of Ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province

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เสถียร เกตุภูงา
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์
รองศาสตราจารย์อุดม พิริยสิงห์


                   The objective of this thesis are: 1) to study the Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province 2) Compared to the Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province by public opinion on gender, age and level of education as well. And 3) to study the development of guidelines for the Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province. The samples consisted of the head of household or agent 135. The tools used in this research are the five scales of 20 items with the sentiment. The statistics used in this study were 0.92 percent of the average standard deviation. T test (t-test) and one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA F-test).

                  The results showed that: 1) the Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province overall is moderate. Considering each side The two sides are moderate And in a very one-sided. Sort by descending from the aspect of the project. The project implementation And the benefits from the project. 2) test the hypothesis that people with different gender, age and education level. Opinions on the Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province as a whole is no different statistically significant difference at .05 level.. And 3) public feedback on ways to improve the Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province order of frequency, the top three are supposed to increase the limit for projects. meet the needs of the village Should the loan allocated to its members equally and evenly. And approved the project should not be delayed because of late season.

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How to Cite
เกตุภูงา เ., จิตต์จันทร์ ด., & พิริยสิงห์ ร. (2018). Implementation of Projects for Developing Village and Community Potentiality of Ban Kwang in Tambon Kuang Kham Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 20–30. Retrieved from
Research Article


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