Academic Administration with Teachers’ Participation of The Schools in The Education Development Network 14 Under The Office of Primary Education Service, Roi et Area 2

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สมยศ แสงผุย
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เอนก ศิลปนิลมาลย์
ดร.กฤตยากร ลดาวัลย์


                  The thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study levels of academic administration with teachers’ participation of elementary schools in The Education Development Network 14 under The Office of Primary Education Service Office, Area 2.  2) to compare levels of it with their participation of elementary schools as such with differing variables of genders, ages and working experiences, 3) to suggest guidelines on bolstering it with their participation of elementary schools. The sampling group for the research were 92 teachers out of fourteen elementary schools in the above network; it gained the whole amount through Krejcie’s& Morgan’s table used as a criterion for setting the number. The research instrument was the questionnaire with the reliability at 0.97. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to find percentages, means, standard deviations, and referential ones to seek for t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA). The computer software package was utilized to process data.

                 Outcomes of research findings:

                  1. Results of research findings in the overall aspect have found the high levels of academic administration with teachers’ participation of elementary schools in the above network. When taking each aspect into account, six aspects in the descending order of means are developments of: i) learning processes, ii) school curricula, iii) quality assurance systems inside schools, iv) instructional media, v) innovation and educational technologies, and vi) research for educational qualities.

                  2. The results of comparison have found that differing variables of teachers’ genders, ages and working experiences show no differences in levels of academic administration of elementary schools in the aforesaid network.

                  3. Suggestions in the descending order of first three frequencies for bolstering academic administration with teachers’ participation of elementary schools have been recommended in each numerical item. 1) Curricula must be developed in accordance with communities’ requirements and be dynamic. School administrators should have community members take part in drawing up and developing curricula.  2) Researches for developing education deems marginal; no attention has been paid to crucial importance of them. So far, research findings have never been brought into use to enhance learners. In practice, they are not even really implemented. 3. Instructional media have to be developed and catered in various ranges. Nevertheless, they have to be appropriate for learners’ ages and their requirements.

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How to Cite
แสงผุย ส., ศิลปนิลมาลย์ ผ. ด., & ลดาวัลย์ ด. (2017). Academic Administration with Teachers’ Participation of The Schools in The Education Development Network 14 Under The Office of Primary Education Service, Roi et Area 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 31–41. retrieved from
Research Article


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