Residents’ Opinions on Operations of Social Welfares by Tambon Na Udom Administrative Organization in Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province
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The objectives of the research were 1) to study the residents’ opinions on operations of social welfares by Tambon Na Udom Administrative Organization in Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province, 2) to compare the opinions of the people residing in the said area, classified by gender, age and education, and 3) to survey the suggestions about the social welfare provided by the said organization. The samples in this research were the family heads or their representatives, totally 308 in number. The tool used in the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of .84. The statistical devices used for data analysis were the frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples) and the F-test (One-way ANOVA). The research results were as follows: 1. The residents’ opinions on operations of social welfares by Tambon Na Udom Administrative Organization in Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province were, in an overall aspect, found to stand at the ‘MUCH’ level. In an individual aspect, ranked from the top down to the bottom of the scale, the item that led in terms of mean was the aspect of health and hygiene, followed by education, housing, income-yielding employment and recreation, respectively. 2. The comparison of the residents’ opinions about social welfares provided by the said organization, classified by gender, age and education, was found to show no statistically significant difference in both overall and individual aspects no different statistically significant difference at .05 level. 3. The survey of suggestions proposed by the residents residing in the said area showed the first three items with priority in frequency as follows: (1) The free health care program should be implemented continuously and systematically. (2) The activities for the youths to promote the moral and ethical practices or the good understanding of the sufficiency economy should be arranged. (3) The extra-occupations to increase the family income should be taught and trained.
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