Personnel’s Motives for Their Duty Performance at Tambon Na Udom Administrative Organization in Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the motives to work of the staff members of the Na Udom Administrative Organization in Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province, 2) to compare the motives to work of the staff members of the said administrative organization, classified by gender, age and job experience, and 3) to find out the recommendations for the enhancement of the motives to work of the staff members of the administrative organization as mentioned. The samples used in the research were 74 staff members of the Na Udom Administrative Organization in Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province. The instrument used to collect the data was the five-level scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.86. The statistical devices used for data analysis were the frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples) and the F-test (One-way ANOVA).The results of the study were as follows: 1) The motives to work of the staff members of the said administrative organization administration was found, in both overall and individual aspects, to remain at the ‘MUCH’ level. Ranking from the top down to the bottom of the scale, it was found to be led by the aspect of promotion and recognition, followed by office atmosphere, income and benefits, internal interaction and job description, respectively. 2) The comparison of the motives to work of the staff members, classified by gender, age and job experiences was found, in both overall and individual aspects, to show no statistically significant difference at .05 level. 3) As for the recommendations and suggestions, the top three priorities were found as follows: (1) More cares and morale boosting by the top administrator were needed. (2) Payment and benefits and welfare should be adjusted to keep pace with the present economic situation. (3) The policy concerning the development of human resources should be implemented systematically and continuously.
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