Residents’ Opinions on Carrying out Tambon Chaturaphak Phiman Municipality’s Infrastructures in Chaturaphak Phiman District, Roi Et Province

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พฤกษชาติ เพ็งวิภาศ
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นชมภู


                   The research serves there purposes 1) to study residents’ opinions on carrying out Tambon Chaturaphak Phiman Muncipality’s infrastructures in Chaturaphak  Phiman district of Roi Et province, 2) to compare their opinions on carrying out its infrastructures with different variables of their genders, ages and educational levels, and 3) to examine their suggestions for carrying out its infrastructures in the preceding district. The Sample comprised household heads/representatives dwelling in its jurisdiction, numbering 315 individuals. The instrument used for conducting the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the content reliability at 0.82. The statistics utilized for data analyses embraced percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA).

                   Results of the research were as follows; 1) Residents’ opinions on carrying out its infrastructures in the aforesaid district have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect, as has each of three aspects taken into consideration in the descending order of means, i.e. public infrastructures, public utilities and public transportations. 2) Comparative results of their opinions on carrying out its infrastructures have found that differences in genders have shown no different opinion in carrying out its infrastructure in both the overall aspect and each one. Meanwhile, residents with differences in ages and educational levels have had different opinions on carrying out them, with the statistical significance level at .05. 3) Residents’ suggestions for carrying out its infrastructures in the descending order of first three frequencies; first, standards of constructing road sought to be scrutinized on the regular basis; secondly, there should have the thorough construction of the irrigation canal system in every village; finally, there should completely construct the public lamp posts along the roads and lanes.


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How to Cite
เพ็งวิภาศ พ., & พื้นชมภู ด. (2018). Residents’ Opinions on Carrying out Tambon Chaturaphak Phiman Municipality’s Infrastructures in Chaturaphak Phiman District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 119–127. retrieved from
Research Article


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