Residents’ Opinions on Carrying out Tambon Si Somdet Municipality’s Work in Si Somdet District, Roi Et Province

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พฤกษา ชินเวช
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นชมภู


                  The research serves the purposes: 1) to study residents’ opinions on carrying out Tambon Si Somdet Municipality’s work in Si Somdet district of Roi Et province,             2) to compare their opinions on its work with different variables of their genders, ages and educational levels, and 3) to examine their suggestions for enhancing its work. The sampling groups employed for conducting the research comprised household heads or representatives in its jurisdiction, numbering 316 individuals. The instrument used for conducting the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the content reliability at .87. The statistics used for data analyses encompassed percentages, means, standard deviation, t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).

                   Results of the research have found the following findings: 1) Residents’ opinions on carrying out Tambon Si Somdet Municipality’s work in Si Somdet district of Roi Et province have been rated in the overall aspect. With each aspect taken into consideration, five aspects in the descending orders of means are: tourism, infrastructures; education, religion and cultures; society and environments. 2) Comparative results of their opinions on carrying out its work are exactly the same in both the overall aspect and a single one as a whole is no different.
statistically significant difference at .05 level. 3) Their suggestions for bolstering its work in the descending order of first three frequencies; first, the municipality ought to reinforce the attitude towards community consolidation, supporting residents and occupational groups to enable them to make effective and sustainable uses of resources in their localities; secondly, it should promote and implant Thai-ness and Thai’s desirable values; finally, it should act in close liaison with various entities to have them take part in promoting concretely sustainable developments of tourism activities in its areas.

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How to Cite
ชินเวช พ., & พื้นชมภู ด. (2018). Residents’ Opinions on Carrying out Tambon Si Somdet Municipality’s Work in Si Somdet District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 128–137. Retrieved from
Research Article


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