Residents’ Opinions on Operations of Social Welfares Managed by Tambon Khampia Administrative Organization in Phochai District, Roi Et Province
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This research served the purposes: 1) to study residents’ opinions on operations of social welfares managed by Tambon Khampia Administrative Organization in Roi Et province’s Phochai district, 2) to compare their opinions with different variables of their genders, ages and educational levels, and 3) to examine their suggestions for enhancing operations of its social welfares. The samples were 306 household heads/the up eighteen-year old representatives living in its authorized area. The instrument used for conducting the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability at .91. Statistics utilized for processing data embraced : percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).
Results of the research have found the following findings: 1) Residents’ opinions on operations of its social welfare have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect, as has each of four aspects taken into consideration in the descending order of means, are: recreation, health and hygiene, social services in general, and life and asset securities. 2) Comparative results of operations of its social welfares have found that different variables of residents’ genders, ages and educational levels have shown no differences opinions as such in the overall aspect and each one. 3) Residents’ suggestions for operations of its social welfares have been offered in the descending order of first three frequencies that: there ought to: first, increase arrangements of projects/activities for equipping residents with knowledge regarding preventing communicable and non-communicable diseases, including paying attention to hygiene and health cares; secondly, prepare arrangements of other projects to reinforce qualities of their good life together with preparation of setting up the elderly’s clubs in every village; finally, draw up a drill plan for once or twice a year in case of unexpected occurrence of problems in order to brace for residents’ readiness.
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