The model development on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student

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ชนิสรา อริยะเดชช์


                   The purposes of the model development on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student were 1) to determine basic  information and needs in developing the leaning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle  dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student, 2) to develop the model  of learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles  to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle  dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student  as the prescribed criterion of 80/80, 3) to implement The developed model  on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles  to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle  dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student , and 4) to assess and improve the developed model on  learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles  to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle  dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student.

                  The results were as follows.

                   1. According to basic information and needs in developing the leaning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle  dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student,  mathematics  helps developing students thinking skills, analytical skills, decision skills, problem solving skills, logical skills and creative skills, however, most of teacher employed lecture, students practice on exercise books. There was limited learning media to enhance thinking skills.  Most of students needed to use the model of learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student.

                 2. According to the model  on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student which was constructed and developed by the researcher, the main components were principles, objectives, and the learning management.  SI-PA-CA model was developed which comprised 6 steps ;  1) meditation building and thinking motivation (Starting thinking)  ,2) problem introducing (Introduction), 3)facing the problem (Problem), 4)analyse to get wisdom (Analysis), 5)knowledge construction (Construction), and 6)  apply with wisdom (Application).  The efficiency of the developed model was 86.25/87.30 which was higher than the prescribed as 80/80.

                  3. According to the experiment on the developed model on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student, learning achievement of students after implement the developed model was statistically significant higher than the before at .05 level of confidence and analytical thinking skills after implement the developed model was  statistically significant higher than the before at .05 level  of confidence.

                  4.  According to the evaluation and the improve the developed model  on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student, the performance of Tri Sik Kha principles of the sample group was at good level ( = 3.37). The satisfaction toward the developed model  on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student was at the most level  ( = 4.57). The most means items were learning management, learning atmosphere, learning evaluation and learning time respectively.

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How to Cite
อริยะเดชช์ ช. (2018). The model development on learning management based on constructivism and Tri Sik Kha principles to enhance analytical thinking skill, mathematics strands entitle dividing for Pratomsuksa 4 student. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 189–203. Retrieved from
Research Article


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