Application of School Administrator’s Good Governance-Based Administration under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization

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มนธกานต์ สุดาเดช
ดร.กฤตยากร ลดาวัลย์
ดร.ธีรภัทร์ ถิ่นแสนดี


                   The Objectives of the research article were to 1) to study school administrators’ applications of good governance-based administration at the target schools under  Roi Et Provincial Administration Organization following teachers’ and educational personnel’s opinions, 2) to compare applications of the former’s applications of good governance-based administration it  at the same schools under the preceding organization following the latter’s opinions, as classified by the latter’s genders, educational qualifications and work experiences, and 3) to collect suggestions for enhancing the former’s applications of good governance-based administration at the target schools under the above organization  following the latter’s opinions. The target groups employed for the research comprised 81 teachers and educational personnel under the same organization at four different schools in different areas. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire with the content validity between 0.67 and 1.00 and the reliability at 0.82. Data were processed with the computer software package to find frequencies, percentages, percentages and standard deviations, t-test and F-test, analyzing them to find pair differences by way of Scheffe’s method.

                 Results of the research have found the following findings:

                 1) School administrators’ applications of good governance-based administration at the target schools under the aforesaid organization have been rated high in overall aspect of each one. Given a single aspect in the descending order of means, they entail aspects of accountability, participation and transparency.

                  2) Comparative results of the latter’s opinions on the former’s good governance-based administration at the target schools under the same organization as classified by the latter’s genders show no differences in both the overall aspect and a single one, whereas the latter’s qualifications prove the opposite, with the statistical significance level at .05. When taking each aspect into account, they have been found that aspects of: rule of law, morality, participation, accountability, and value of money show stark differences with the statistical significance level at .05, as opposed to transparency. Relative to their work experiences, the latter’s opinions on rule of law and value of money prove different with the statistical significance level at .05. Specifically, their work experiences between five and ten years and over show striking differences in their opinions with the statistical significance level at .05. As for applications of good governance in other aspects, they are dissimilar. 

                  3) Suggestions for boosting school administrators’ good governance-based administrations have been recommended by teachers and educational personnel that the former should: first for rule of law, have the latter attend a course to let them realize Local Administration Promotion Department’s regulations and directives so as to generate them toward the same direction; secondly for morality, create attitudes toward merits and morality for the latter to help encourage them to appreciate the public’s interests more than their own; thirdly for transparency, overtly reveal expenditures of budges worthy of received interests; fourthly for participation: open up opportunities to every sector to have them take  part in administration for the sake of clarity and more effectiveness; finally for value of money,  allocate budgets for school administrations that deem appropriate, sufficing for school developments at the most.

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How to Cite
สุดาเดช ม., ลดาวัลย์ ด., & ถิ่นแสนดี ด. (2017). Application of School Administrator’s Good Governance-Based Administration under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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