Community Leaders’ Participation in Crime Protection and Suppression in Tambon Selaphum Municipality’s Authorized Area of Selaphum District, Roi Et Province

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ดาบตำรวจ พรเทพ บุญกัญญา
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์


                  The objectives of this thematic paper were aimed:  1) to study community leaders’ participation in police officers’ crime prevention and suppression and prevention in Tambon Selaphum Municipality’s authorized area in Roi Et’s Selaphum district, 2) to compare variables of the former’s genders, ages and educational levels with their participation in crime prevention and suppression in its authorized area,   3) to regulate suggestions for the former’s participation in the latter’s crime prevention and suppression in the authorized area. The sampling group following Taro Yamane’s table comprised 236 community leaders in its authorized area.      The instrument used for the research was Likert-type questionnaires of twenty-two questions, each of which possessed the reliability for the whole entry at .89  The statistics exploited for data analyses encompass frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA)

                  Results of the research manifested the following findings : 1) Community leaders’ participation in police officers’ crime prevention and suppression in Tambon Selaphum Municipality’s authorized area in Roi Et’s Selaphum district was rated ‘high’ in the overall aspect. Given a single aspect, all four aspects were also scored ‘high’. These aspects ranked in descending order of arithmetic means included those of participation in 1) support, 2) planning, 3) operations and 4) follow-up and assessment respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing results confirmed that variables of the former’s genders, ages and educational levels showed in the overall aspect no significant differences level at .05 in their participation in the latter’s crime prevention and suppression and prevention in its authorized area. 3) Community leaders’ suggestions for their participation in police officers’ crime prevention and suppression in its authorized area were recommended in descending order of three frequencies. Firstly, the latter should have the former assess their crime prevention and suppression in communities and villages. Secondly, the former should support or give money for communities’ activities concerning crime prevention. Finally, community relation-oriented activities between community leaders and police officers should be frequently held in order to prepare readiness and forces to combat crimes and strengthen good relationship between the former and the latter.

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How to Cite
บุญกัญญา ด. พ., & จิตต์จันทร์ ด. (2017). Community Leaders’ Participation in Crime Protection and Suppression in Tambon Selaphum Municipality’s Authorized Area of Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 132–142. Retrieved from
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