Perspectives of Offenders, Citizens, and Law Enforcement Officials Toward The Problems of Public Roadside Preservation and Private Business Encroachment on Public Sidewalks: A Case Study of The Khon Kaen Municipality

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Napatsakorn Sittichock
Peerasit Kamnuasilpa


          This research had the objective to study perspectives of offenders, citizens, and law enforcement officials toward the problems of public roadside preservation and private business encroachment on public sidewalks by conducting a case study of the Khon Kaen Municipality. This study also examined preliminary solutions to the problems of the related entities.  Data were collected by in-depth interviews from three groups of respondents:  Offenders, citizens, and law enforcement personnel.  The data from the interviews were processed using content analysis.  This study found that there was a general lack of understanding of rights and responsibilities of each group, including a lack of social consciousness of the offenders, a lack of concern about the rights and responsibilities of individuals as citizens, and a lack of concern and motivation of law enforcement personnel to ensure compliance with the laws. Taken together, these deficiencies all contribute encroachment on public sidewalks and roadways by private business, resulting in harm to the public.

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How to Cite
Sittichock, N., & Kamnuasilpa, P. (2019). Perspectives of Offenders, Citizens, and Law Enforcement Officials Toward The Problems of Public Roadside Preservation and Private Business Encroachment on Public Sidewalks: A Case Study of The Khon Kaen Municipality. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 375–385. Retrieved from
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