The Study the Satisfaction of People in Providing Basic Services Khlong Koon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Taphan Hin District, Phichit Province

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Kritsana Moonmee
Kanlaya Maipaoklang
Witoon Weerasin
Boonpeng Sittivongsa
Pongmetee Chaiseeha


         The objectives of the research article were to 1) study the level of people's satisfaction with infrastructure services and 2) study the problems, obstacles, and suggestions for the basic services of Khlong Khun Subdistrict Administration Organization Taphan Hin District Phichit Province. The population used in the study is people in Khlong Koon district 60 people. Data were collected by using questionnaires. Analyze data by using percentage, mean and standard deviation. As for the hypothesis testing of the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables, Chi-square values were tested.

           The results were found that: 1. The satisfaction of people in providing basic services Khlong Koon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Taphan Hin District, Phichit Province at overall at high level. 2. As for problems, obstacles, and suggestions, people wanted to have a standard road with lights to and in the community, water ways to prevent floods, setting a club or group for doing activities together, more garbage bins, and provision of an athlete teacher to train and lead people in playing sports or exercise.

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How to Cite
Moonmee, K., Maipaoklang, K., Weerasin, W., Sittivongsa, B., & Chaiseeha, P. (2020). The Study the Satisfaction of People in Providing Basic Services Khlong Koon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Taphan Hin District, Phichit Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 44–50. Retrieved from
Research Article


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