The Curriculum Development of Ethical Leadership of Teacher in Buddhist Scripture School under the Great Synagogue Association Nakhon Phanom Provincial Office of Buddhism

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Phramanat Tummatinno
Wanpen Nantasri


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to develop a curriculum of Ethical Leadership of Teacher in Buddhist Scripture School. 2) to study the efficacy of the curriculum. The research was divided into 2 phases; Phase 1: Curriculum Development by studying documents and research and to study the need for Ethical leadership development with 102 teachers. Phase 2 : Examination of course suitability. The sample were teachers of Wat Mahathat Buddhist Scripture School under the Great Synagogue Association Nakhon Phanom Provincial Office of Buddhism. They were selected by purposive sampling selected 13 people. The instrument were a curriculum of Ethical Leadership of Teacher in Buddhist Scripture School, an achievement test, an Ethical Leadership Practice Assessment Form and satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics were consistency index, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test for dependent samples were used for analysis

          The results were found as follows: 1. the ethical leadership curriculum of teachers in the Buddhist Scripture School consisted of the purpose, the content, learning activities and evaluation. 2. The efficacy of the curriculum were 1) participants had knowledge and understanding about ethical leadership after training, it was higher than before training at statistical significance of .01. 2) Participants had the characteristics of ethical leadership at a high level. 3) Participants are satisfied with the ethical leadership curriculum was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Tummatinno, P., & Nantasri, W. (2020). The Curriculum Development of Ethical Leadership of Teacher in Buddhist Scripture School under the Great Synagogue Association Nakhon Phanom Provincial Office of Buddhism. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 118–128. Retrieved from
Research Article


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