The Development of English Teachers Development Program on Task-based Language Teaching for Schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22 Nakhon Phanom

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Prichawat Chainan
Sutum Tummatasananon


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the current and desirable states on task-based language teaching 2) to develop the English teacher’s development program on task-based language teaching. The samples were 138 English teachers. The research instruments were questionnaire, semi-structure interview form, group discussion record form, and program’s evaluation form. The statistics used in data analysis were arithmetic mean, standard deviation, PNI modified for ranking the desirable states. The qualitative data was obtained from the semi-structure questionnaire and group discussion through content analysis.     

           The results were as follows : 1. The current stage on task-based language teaching of English teachers as a whole was at the medium level while the desirable state on task-based language teaching of English teachers as a whole was the highest level. 2. The English teacher’s development program on task-based language teaching consisted of 5 components as such 1) principle; 2) objectives; 3) contents; 4) models and methods for development and 5) the program’s assessment while the result of the assessment in appropriation was at highest level and possibility was at high level.

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Chainan, P., & Tummatasananon, S. (2020). The Development of English Teachers Development Program on Task-based Language Teaching for Schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22 Nakhon Phanom. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 438–448. Retrieved from
Research Article


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