The Decision Making Model of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon Citizens Regarding Choosing of the Members of Parliament

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Sanook Singmatr


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to study for the conceptual framework of the decision making of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens regarding choosing of the members of parliament. 2. To study the decision making of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens regarding choosing of the members of parliament. 3. To analyze the structural equations and examine the structural equations that influence the decision making of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens regarding choosing of the members of parliament. 4. To create a form and confirm the suitability of the decision making of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens regarding choosing of the members of parliament.Sample groups include there are 400 people in the voter group in the Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens. The research instruments were Questionnaires and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). From experts, To review the complete model and confirm the suitability of the political behavior of people in the group of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens.

         The results of the research showed that: 1. Conceptual framework from the study of behavior display that comes in different ways such as The duty of citizens, In demand for political utilities and The need to resist or change the government. As for the influence on the behavior of the members of the House of Representatives, the population is divided into 4 main factors consisting of 12 sub-factors. 2. Behavioral levels of the decision to choose Member of Parliament of the people in Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens. 3. Equations, structure, relationships, patterns of political behavior of people in Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens consistent with the empirical data and (4) The Decision Making model of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon citizens regarding choosing of the members of parliament from the research is most suitable.

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How to Cite
Singmatr, S. (2020). The Decision Making Model of Ratchathanicharoensrisothon Citizens Regarding Choosing of the Members of Parliament. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 144–158. Retrieved from
Research Article


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