Development Supervision and Coaching for School of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Siripong Nakontong
Surachet Noirid


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the current conditions needed and the needs of the instructional supervision, 2) to develop guidelines for instructional supervision for schools. Which is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 Current conditions, desirable conditions And the needs of the instructional supervision. The sample group consisted of 313 teacher administrators under the Office of Roi Et Elementary Education Area 3.The questionnaire  was a rating scale with 5 levels The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, Phase 2 The development of instructional supervision model. Research tools include structured interview forms. Evaluation form for suitability and feasibility of guidelines. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation.

           The results of the research revealed that : 1. The study of the current state of instructional supervision found that it was at a moderate level. The desirable condition was found at a high level. The needs were arranged in descending order, namely, preparation for supervision. Supervision planning In monitoring and evaluation of supervision Regarding the teaching practice 2. Developing guidelines for instructional supervision for schools Under the Office of Roi Et Elementary Education Area 3, consisting of the principles and reasons, objectives, procedures, and conducting supervision and evaluating success conditions. The guidelines for the development of the instructional supervision consisted of 4 aspects which were 1) supervision preparation 2) supervision planning 3) suggestion practice 4) evaluation and follow up. Assessing the appropriateness of the guidelines. The instructional supervision found that the overall was at the highest level. The feasibility of the guidelines was found at a high level.

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How to Cite
Nakontong, S., & Noirid, S. (2020). Development Supervision and Coaching for School of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 373–382. Retrieved from
Research Article


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