The Roles of School Administrators in Promoting Classroom Action Research of Teachers towards Thailand 4.0 under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26

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Wannipa Banditta
Niyada Piampuchana


          The objectives of the research were to 1)study current situation and desirable characteristics, 2)study the needs and 3)study the guidelines for school administrators in promoting classroom action research of teachers toward Thailand 4.0 under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26. The sampling group consisted of 362 persons including administrator and teachers from schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane's formula using stratified random sampling. The research tool  was 5 level rating scale questionnaire with content validity (IOC) of 0.67 - 1.00 and reliability coefficient of 0.90. The statistics used to analyze data included mean, percentage, frequency and PNI Modified.

           The research results were found that:  1)The current of the role of school administrators in promoting classroom action research of teachers toward Thailand 4.0 on a whole was rated at a high level. The desirable characteristics of the role of school administrators in promoting classroom action research of teachers toward Thailand 4.0 under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26 on a whole was rated at a high level. 2)The results of needs assessment of the role of school administrators in promoting classroom action research of teachers toward Thailand 4.0 were found that the aspect at the highest level was responsibility toward teachers doing classroom research followed by promoting progress in positions, while the lowest aspect was respect recognition. 3)The guidelines for school administrators in promoting classroom action research of teachers were as follows: 1) On responsibility to teachers: The school administrators should clearly appointer advisors for teachers doing classroom action research. 2) On the progress in positions of teachers: The school administrators should provide opportunities for teachers to be able to change positions at a higher level. 3) On focuses on classroom action research: The school administrators should provide a performance follow-up systematically. 4) On promotion of the success of classroom action research: The school administrators should promote the professional learning community (PLC) by focusing on the progress of research and development of teachers toward Thailand 4.0 and 5) On respect recognition: The school administrators should continually give respect and admire teachers who were awarded in published research articles in national and international conference.

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How to Cite
Banditta, W., & Piampuchana, N. (2019). The Roles of School Administrators in Promoting Classroom Action Research of Teachers towards Thailand 4.0 under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26 . Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 42–51. Retrieved from
Research Article


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