Teachers’ Participation in the Operation of Educational Quality Assurance within the Schools of the KhonKaen-Chaiyapume Local Education Management School Network under Local Administrative Organization

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Suwit Puypunja
Jirawat Waroonroj


          The objectives of this research were to 1) study the teachers’ participation in the operation of educational quality assurance within the schools, 2)  compare the teachers’ participation in the operation of educational quality assurance within the schools and 3) study suggestions concerning the teachers’ participation in the Operation of Educational Quality Assurance within the schools of the KhonKaen-Chaiyapume Local Education Management School Network under Local Administrative Organization. A number of 175 teachers in the schools in the Local Education Management School Network were selected as sample group by basing on Krejcie and Morgan Table. A questionnaire was used as research tool for data collection. The instrument  used for conducting the research was the five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability at  .98. The collected data were analyzed by using percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA and a t-test for testing hypothesis.

          The findings show that: 1)The teachers’ participation in the operation of educational quality assurance within the schools, the overall picture of participation was at the “highest” level. 2) A comparison of the teachers’ participation in the operation of educational quality assurance within the schools, by their past levels of education, it was found that there is no significant difference in the level of participation, but there was a significant difference at the 0.05 level when classified by their work experiences. The school sizes present no significantly different level of participation. 3) The teachers made several important suggestions as follows: (1) There should be some research studies to improve works that are consistent with each of the educational standard; (2) There should be joint planning meetings to share information and to summarize results of their works; (3) There should be task assignments and systematic monitoring of operations at each step; (4) There should be appointments of persons to take responsibility for the operations and to provide a clear job description for evaluation; (5) There should be study-visits to authorities which have been successful in regard to educational quality assurance; (6) There should be qualitative examinations to ascertain the learning effects on the students, not just a documentary study, and then to report on actual states of affairs; (7) There should be promotions for school personnel and to boost everyone’s morale in working together as a group.

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How to Cite
Puypunja, S., & Waroonroj, J. (2019). Teachers’ Participation in the Operation of Educational Quality Assurance within the Schools of the KhonKaen-Chaiyapume Local Education Management School Network under Local Administrative Organization. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 52–61. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/242137
Research Article


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