The Development of Academic Administration Model on Organizing Project-Based Learning Activity, for Developing from Teachers to Students’ Quality of Education at Anuban Municipal School, Roi-Et Province

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Siriyapon Wiengsamutr


          The objectives of this research were to 1) study the basic on the development of academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity, 2) to design and develop research tools on the development of academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity, 3) to make a trial on the development of academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity and 4) to evaluate the satisfaction and improve the development of academic administration model on organizing project –based learning activity for developing teacher to students’ quality of education at Anuban municipal school, Roi-Et province. The sampler group comprised 22 teachers and 216 students, selected by simple random sampling method. The research tools were interview, skills evaluation, satisfaction form towards academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity for developing teacher to students’ quality of education at Anuban municipal school, Roi-Et province and focus group.  Data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation.  The statistic used dependent t-test and content analysis.       

          The results of the research were as follows: 1)According to the study the basic data on the development of academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity, found that teachers required developing among themselves in organizing project-based learning activity, emphasis on principle of thinking analysis for students to create innovation, students had been tough to know forms of project work, to create project work.  The students needed to answer how mathematics, science or technology involved with their project work.  In the past, students’ project work, teachers never introduced STEM subject to integrate learning activity for students.  (2)From the design and the development research tools called “PACE Model”, consisted of 4 steps as follow: P: Planning, A: Action, C: Constructivist Learning and E: Evaluation, organizing 5 steps, developed effectiveness towards academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity, which developed teachers by operating workshop meeting. The result of the meeting was appropriate and possible. (3)The trial model on the development of academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity found that the workshop meeting model and internal supervision were used in the operation of teachers and students.  The result of the trial was at high level. The pre and post-workshop meeting results yielded its significant different outcomes at .01. (4)The assessment of the satisfaction and improvement of academic administration model on organizing project-based learning activity for developing teacher to students’ quality of education at Anuban municipal school, Roi-Et province, evaluated the satisfaction of teachers and students towards organizing project-based learning activity appeared that teachers and students were satisfied in overall at high level.

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How to Cite
Wiengsamutr, S. (2019). The Development of Academic Administration Model on Organizing Project-Based Learning Activity, for Developing from Teachers to Students’ Quality of Education at Anuban Municipal School, Roi-Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 73–83. Retrieved from
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