Development the School Internal Supervision Implement Guidelines by Professional of Learning Community Concept for Schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization

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Wanida Phuwichai
Suwat Junsuwan


         The Objectives of the research article were to 1) studying the indicators and components of internal supervision by professional learning community concept 2) studying the current state and desirable state of internal supervision professional learning community concept for schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization and 3) developing internal supervision implement guidelines by professional learning community concept for schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization. The study divided  into 3 phases, the first phase was synthesized the components of  internal supervision by professional learning community concept used assess form to collected data from 5 luminaries, the second phases was a study of the current state and desirable state of internal supervision by professional learning community concept for schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization using  questionnaire to collected data from 84 administrators and teachers, the third phases was developing internal supervision implement guidelines by professional learning community concept for schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization using interview form to collected from administrators and teacher in examples schools and used assess form to collected data from 5 luminaries.  Descriptive statistics used in this study were mainly percentage, average and modified priority needs index.

          The result of this study were found: 1) The result of components synthesized about the internal supervision implemented by professional learning community concept included 4 components were component 1 supervision planning, component 2 supervision, component 3 evaluate track and improve work, and component 4 reflections on the results, reporting and disseminate the supervision results. The result of components’ suitability assessed by luminaries, the opinions overall were at high levels. 2)The internal supervision implemented by professional learning community concept for schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization, They have current state and desirable state overall both aspects were at high levels.3) Guidelines of internal supervision implemented by professional learning community concept for schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization included 4 components 37 indicators, the result of suitability assessment and feasibility assessment overall both aspects were at high levels.

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How to Cite
Phuwichai, W., & Junsuwan, S. (2019). Development the School Internal Supervision Implement Guidelines by Professional of Learning Community Concept for Schools under Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 240–250. Retrieved from
Research Article


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