Development of Academic Network Administration Guidelines for Educational Quality Development for Schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Narumon Ritthisang
Thanarat Sripongngam


       The Objectives of the research article were to 1) study the components of network 2) study the current state and desirable state of academic network administration for schools under the office of Roi Et primary education service area office 1 3) development the academic network administration guidelines for educational quality development for schools under the office of Roi Et primary education service area office1. The study divided to3phases, the first phase was study the components of network and suitability assessed by 5 luminaries, the second phase was study the current state and desirable state of academic network administration collected data from samples group including administrators and teachers which was the committee of academic network administration of schools under the office of Roi Et primary education service area office1, 214 persons from 107 schools 14 networks, the third phase was development the academic network administration guidelines for educational quality development for schools under the office of Roi Et primary education service area office1. Guidelines’ suitability assessment and possibility assessment by 7 luminaries. Descriptive statistics used in this study were mainly percentage, average and standard deviation.

           The result of this study were found: 1)The components and indicators of network including 5 components 25 indicators. 2)The current state of academic network administration for schools under the office of Roi Et primary education service area office 1 overall and all aspects were at moderate levels and overall and the desirable state of academic network administration overall and all aspects were at high levels. 3)The academic network administration guidelines for educational quality development for schools under the office of Roi Et primary education service area office 1 including 5 components 30 indicators and 59 guidelines. Focus on internal participation academic network, management administration by network member acceptance, create agreement on academic network resource management administration and openness for cooperation of agencies or outsiders from public and private sectors cover network partner creation with higher education institutions to strengthen academic strength. The results of suitability assessment and feasibility assessment of guidelines overall at high level.

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How to Cite
Ritthisang, N., & Sripongngam, T. (2019). Development of Academic Network Administration Guidelines for Educational Quality Development for Schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 1. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 271–282. Retrieved from
Research Article


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