The Approach to Solve Problems and Sangha Social Development with Patronage System

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Phramaha Jaising Siridhammo
Phramaha Natthabhan Sudassanavipani
Phramaha Akanit Siripañño
Phra Aon Mahitthiko


         Patronage system in Thai society. It is a patronistic relationship that emphasizes acceptance of differences in status. Emphasis on dependence on others and adherence. In the monastic society, this system has been used to cause problems with monks who may be very passive with the need for money, reputation, power, honor, social glory, so that the patronage system complicates the work, so lack of knowledgeable personnel so that they cannot develop anything to advance the monk's administration failed.People are beginning tolack faith, believe in religion,the solution is to know the use of patronage system fair in 5 issues1) religious level; 2) level of Dharma discipline; 3) level of governance; 4) organizational level and 5) individual level.

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How to Cite
Siridhammo, P. J., Sudassanavipani, P. N., Siripañño, P. A., & Mahitthiko, P. A. (2019). The Approach to Solve Problems and Sangha Social Development with Patronage System. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 453–462. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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