Teachers’ and Educational Personnel’s Participation in School - Based Administration at Suwannaphumwittayalai School under Secondary Education Service Area Office 27

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Lumpoon Singkh
Theeraphat Thinsandee
Kittiyakorn Ladawan


          The Objectives of the research article were to 1) study teachers’ and educational personnel’s participation in the school-based administration, 2) compare their participation as such to their different genders, educational qualifications and working experiences, 3) collect suggestions for and guidelines on upgrading their participation in school-based administration at Suwannaphumwittayalai School under Secondary Education Service Area Office 27. The sampling groups employed for the research were: teachers and educational personnel at their school. They made up 106 subjects selected by Taro Yamane’s table at the reliability of 95 per cent and the error of 0.05. The device used for data collection was the five-rating scale questionnaire, each of which had its reliability of IOC at 0.88. Statistical units utilized for data analyses embraced: percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, t-tests และ F-tests.

           Research findings have found the following results: 1) Teachers’ and educational personnel’s participations in the school-based administration at their school mentioned above have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect. 2) According to data on sampling groups’ different genders and educational qualifications, their participations in the school-based administration have found no significant differences in each aspect. These data, therefore, are not conducive to the determined hypotheses. In contrast, data on their different working experiences have shown striking differences with the statistical significance at .05. 3) Their suggestions that follows as guidelines on school-based administration in six aspects Involve: decentralization, self-administration, participative administration, supportive leadership, the entire system development, and accountable onus. First, it is absolutely necessary to undertake surveys of job quantities and staffing rates for administrative planning. Secondly, teachers and educational personnel ought to be encouraged and supported to further their studies in succession for the sake of the career ladder of their own. Thirdly, they should have been clearer aware of their administrative roles in the school-based administration than they really are. Fourthly, administrative roles of the school panel have to be increased. Fifthly, the administrative panel must open more opportunities to take on the board teachers’ and educational personnel’s opinions. Sixthly, they should have more scrutiny systems of external and internal administrations than they currently do. Finally, they usually focus on their school benefits as the top priority. In theory, they must examine development plans and implement. In practice, it is imperative to report outcomes and evaluate them to enhance work performance.

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How to Cite
Singkh, L., Thinsandee, T., & Ladawan, K. (2019). Teachers’ and Educational Personnel’s Participation in School - Based Administration at Suwannaphumwittayalai School under Secondary Education Service Area Office 27. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 9–19. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/242428
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