The Management Under Good Governance of School Administrations Affecting Job Satisfaction of Teachers Under the Office of The Secondary Education Service Area 20

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Bandit Hanthongchai


           The purpose of this research were to :1) stud the management under good governance of school administrators, 2) study job satisfaction of the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 20. 3) study the correlation between the management under good governance of school administrators and job satisfaction of the teachers, and 4) create a predictive equation of the management under good governance of school administrators and job satisfaction of the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area 20. The samples consisted of 325 teachers from stratified random sampling. The research instruments were a 5 level-rating-scale questionnaire with the discrimination of the good governance of school administrators at .990 reliability and the satisfaction on operation of the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area 20 .960  reliability.  The statistical techniques employed in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviatin, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.

           The results were as follows. 1. The management under good governance of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area 20 was at a high level. 2. Job satisfaction of the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area 20 was at a high level 3. The management under good governance of school administrators and job satisfaction of the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area 20 were related at a medium level. 4. The predictive equations of job satisfaction of the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area 20 by using the management under good governance of school administrators as the predictive variables included the management under good governance of school administrators of Morality/Ethics  (X10)  Participation/Consensus Oriented  (X9)  Rule of Law (X6) Responsiveness  (X3)  Equity (X7)  and Efficiency  (X1). 

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How to Cite
Hanthongchai, B. (2019). The Management Under Good Governance of School Administrations Affecting Job Satisfaction of Teachers Under the Office of The Secondary Education Service Area 20. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 366–374. retrieved from
Research Article


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