Physical Fitness and Physical Fitness Norms for Junior Hight School Students of Educational Opportunity Expansion under the Jurisdiction of Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Phakayan Phopet
Rajasyed Tengkusulaiman
Kongkiat Choeychom


          The objective of research article were to construct the physical fitness norms for opportunity expansion school students underlining Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample group of this study consisted of 1,366 male and 1,112 female students, totaling 2,478 students. The instrument used to collect the data is the physical fitness test for Thai children 7-18 years of age of The Department of Physical Education. There were 6 items of the test as mentioned above, namely sit-ups 60-seconds, push-ups 30-seconds, standing broad jump, sit and reach, zig-zag run, and distance run 1,600-meter. Based on the analysis of the gathered data.

           The four findings were as follows: 1. The physical fitness norms for the opportunity expansion school students underlining Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 consisted of  the sit-ups 60-seconds norms, push-ups 30 seconds norms, standing broad jump norms, sit and reach norms, zig-zag run norms, distance run 1600-meter norms. In which the principle of having 5 levels is excellent, good, moderate, fair and poor respectively.

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How to Cite
Phopet, P., Tengkusulaiman, R., & Choeychom, K. (2020). Physical Fitness and Physical Fitness Norms for Junior Hight School Students of Educational Opportunity Expansion under the Jurisdiction of Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 284–298. Retrieved from
Research Article


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