Knowledge Management of the Employment for Visually Impaired People to be the Masseur in the Healthcare Business According to Thai Massage for Health by Blind Person Course

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Kwanchai Atano
Winai Insamian
Kriengkrai Nabudda
Nisit Sirimarnkit
Proudpawin Pakthanapakorn


         The objective of research article were 1) to study the situations and occupational patterns of the employment for visually impaired people to be the masseur in the health business according to Thai massage for health by blind person course, 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the employment for visually impaired people to be the masseur in the health business according to Thai massage for health by blind person course, 3)to search for the techniques leading to be successful on the employment for visually impaired people to be the masseur in the health business according to Thai massage for health by blind person course. The samplings were made up  of  three  groups, 1) visually impaired people who are the masseur in the health business, 2) government officials who are involved in the promotion and development of the quality of life and occupation of disabled, 3) other stakeholders who are experts and have experience in promoting and improving the quality of life and occupation of the disabled, 100 people. The research tools were in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis techniques.   

          The research results were found  as  follows: 1. Due to the Health Establishment Act, B.E. 2559 require that establishments for health must only hire service providers who are registered as legal service providers to work in health establishments, resulting in the occupations of the visually impaired as a Thai massage service provider for health must be registered as a service provider. The qualifications to apply for registration as service providers must be certified by the Department of Health Service Support. The occupational patterns of the visually impaired people are including business owner, employee and career integration. 2. The problems and obstacles in the employment for visually impaired people to be the masseur in the health business according to Thai massage for health by blind person courseare divided as the visually impaired, Thai massage for health by blind person course, the service provider registration, Thai massage business for health, the career promotion and Laws and regulations. 3. The techniques and guidelines leading to be successful on the employment for visually impaired people to be the masseur in the health business according to Thai massage for health by blind person course are including the trainee, the trainer and Thai massage for health by blind person course.

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How to Cite
Atano, K., Insamian, W., Nabudda, K., Sirimarnkit, N., & Pakthanapakorn, P. (2020). Knowledge Management of the Employment for Visually Impaired People to be the Masseur in the Healthcare Business According to Thai Massage for Health by Blind Person Course. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 299–311. Retrieved from
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