The Policy Implementation Results of Water Management According to the Khok Nong Na Model in Udon Thani Province

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Natwipa Jampasee
Sukhumvit Saiyasopon


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to study to the situation of water management according to the Kok Nong Na model in Udon Thani Province, 2) to study the level of water management policy according to the Nong Na model in Udon Thani Province, 3) to study the results of the implementation of the management policy,  4. to study to the problems, obstacles, and guidelines for the development of water management according to the Kok Nong Na Model Practices in Udon Thani, Data was collected from a sample of farmers who participated in the Khok Nong Na project, up to present, and government officials, totaling 126 people, by using questionnaires and interview forms as a research tool. The statistics utilized for processing data embraced percentage, mean, and standard deviation

          The research found that : 1. Situation of water management according to the Kok Nong Na model in UdonThani province. The sample has opinions about preparation, operation and monitoring and evaluation Adhere to appropriate processes and procedures. 2. The level of the water management policy based on the Kok Nong Na model in Udon Thani Province, overall at a high level. 3. Results of the implementation   of the Water Management Policy based on the Kok Nong Na model in Udon Thani Province, overall at a high level. 4. Problems, obstacles and guidelines for the development of water management based on the Kok Nong Na model, implemented in Udon Thani Province. Found that the area and design conversion in accordance with the principles of Khok Nong Na are not complete in all plots. Public relations operations are not as thorough as they should be. Monitoring and evaluation were not consistent with the guidelines for driving water management according to the Kok Nong Na model in Udon Thani Province. The budget used in the operation is not continuous, the farmers do not have the products to sell. And the prototype farmers are not yet known as they should be. Therefore, the guidelines for the development of water management based on the Kok Nong Na model in Udon Thani Province. It is necessary to survey the problems and needs of the people in the area. Clear operational plan Integrate operations with relevant departments Which will solve problems at the area level and can lead to self-reliance of farmers in the future.

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How to Cite
Jampasee, N., & Saiyasopon, S. (2020). The Policy Implementation Results of Water Management According to the Khok Nong Na Model in Udon Thani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 415–429. Retrieved from
Research Article


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