Needs for Internal Quality Assurance Operation of Basic Educational Institutions under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Ulaiporn Hinsui
Niyada Piampuechana


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the needs for internal quality assurance operation of basic education institutions 2) to study recommendations for internal quality assurance operation of basic education institutions under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample group used in the research consisted of the school administrators and teachers under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 with the total number of 349 people. The sample size was determined using stratified random sampling. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis comprised percentage, frequency, mean and PNI modified index.

          The research results were found that: 1. The current situation of internal quality assurance operation of basic educational institutions, in overall, was rated at a moderate level. The desirable condition of internal quality assurance operation of basic educational institutions, in overall, was rated at the highest level. The results of analysis of the needs for internal quality assurance operation of basic educational institutions were found that the most important aspect was the evaluation and examination of educational quality within the schools, followed by the development of the school quality, monitoring the implementation to develop the schools, preparation of self-assessment report, educational standards setting of the schools, preparation of educational development plans for the schools, the least important aspect was the implementation of educational management development plan of the schools. 2. Recommendations were as follows: There should be a continuous development of the work within the schools in order to be ready for external assessment. There should be monitoring the implementation to develop the schools systematically and continuously. There should be a self-assessment report consistent with educational quality standards and indicators to the organization. There should be a preparation of educational development plans for the schools to be consistent with internal quality assurance of the schools.There should be an implementation of educational management development plan of the schools in accordance with the standards and indicators of quality assurance.

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How to Cite
Hinsui, U., & Piampuechana, N. (2020). Needs for Internal Quality Assurance Operation of Basic Educational Institutions under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 510–520. Retrieved from
Research Article


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