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Wittawat Nabumrung
Titiworada Polyiem


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the current condition Desirable condition and the necessity of internal supervision, instructional model for educational institutions under the office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 30. The samples used in the research school administrators and teachers under the office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 30, Academic Year 2020, 235 people, 5 qualified persons. The research tool questionnaires and interview forms. The research statistics mean, standard deviation and analysis of the necessary demand. The interview section analyzes the summary of the main content as an essay.

          The results found that:  1. Study of current condition Desirable condition and the necessity of teaching internal supervision for educational institutions Under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 30, it was found that the current state of the instructional supervision. Overall was at a moderate level. In desirable conditions, overall instructional supervision was at a high level. The results of the analysis of the need for instructional supervision were found that the aspects that were needed in descending order were 1) the teaching planning aspect, 2) the implementation of the instructional plan, 3) the preparation. Pre-teaching advice 4) Evaluation and follow-up. 2. Development of instructional internal supervision programs for educational institutions. Subordinate to the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 30, consisting of 1) Principles and rationale 2) Purpose 3) Instructional contents of internal supervision 4) Instructional internal supervision method 5) Instruction procedures 6) Evaluation. The implementation of internal supervision of the instructional model for educational institutions consisted of 4 components and 17 indicators, namely 1) pre-teaching preparation, 2) instruction planning, 3) implementation of the teaching plan, 4) evaluation and summary. The results of assessing the suitability of the development of the instructional internal supervision program for educational institutions under the office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 30, it was found that overall was most appropriate.

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How to Cite
Nabumrung, W., & Polyiem, T. (2022). THE DEVELOPING OF PROGRAM INTERNAL SUPERVISION BY COACHING OF SCHOOLS IN THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 30. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 217–229. Retrieved from
Research Article


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