Developing the Teamwork Capacity Efficiency Enhance Program for Teachers in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 32

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Chalard Passasai
Surachet Noyrit


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the compositions and indicators in teamwork capacity for teachers, 2) to study the present and the ideal condition of teamwork capacity for teachers, 3) to develop teamwork capacity efficiency program for teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 32. The research sample consisted of 360 teachers, using in-depth interview from 7 experts. The equipment for data collections are interview, questionnaire and evaluation. The statistics for data evaluation are mean, percentage and standard deviation.

           The research result were found that: 1. The compositions and indicators in teamwork capacity for teachers are divided into 5 parts and 24 indicators  and the perspective of the evaluations from the experts are at ‘good’ and ‘the best’ level. 2. The perspective of the present condition of teamwork capacity for teachers are at ‘the moderate’ level and the perspective of the desirable condition of teamwork capacity for teachers under the secondary Educational Service Area Office 32are at ‘the best’ level.  3. Teachers and teamwork capacity efficiency programs development strategies under the secondary Educational Service Area Office 32 are composed of academic training, meeting, seminar and partner. The perspective of teamwork capacity efficiency program for teachers included principles, objectives, contents, developing activities, evaluation and the result of program suitability assessed was over all at “the best” level and program possibility assessed over all at “good” level.

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How to Cite
Passasai, C., & Noyrit, S. (2020). Developing the Teamwork Capacity Efficiency Enhance Program for Teachers in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 32. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 146–158. Retrieved from
Research Article


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