The Factors Influencing Health Promotion of Monks in the Sangha District, Phibun Rak District, Udon Thani Province
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The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the level of health promotion of monks, 2) to study the factors that influence the health promotion of monks, 3) to study the guidelines for the health promotion of monks in Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province. The sample used in the research are Monks in the Sangha District of Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province, a total of 104 images and 12 images per person by interviewing. The research instrument was a questionnaire and interview. The research instrument was the questionnaires, interviews. The statistics used in data analysis comprised percentage, frequency, mean and using multiple regression analysis using stepwise variable selection method. Accompany the result discussion.
The research results were found that: 1. Health promotion of monks in the monastic department of Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province Overall There is a level of health promotion for monks regarding the variable in the overall, it was at the moderate level. 2. Study the factors that influence the health promotion of monks in Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province. Weight value, importance of variable, each factor that effects of each factor affecting the health promotion of monks in the Sangha District, Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province Overall, it was found that the highest prediction was the participation of the community.
3) Study the guidelines on the health promotion of monks in Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province. There should be rules and regulations for the development of quality health service guidelines. Monk health care Promote, support and develop the Sangha organization And a network of monks, developers Taking care of one's own health and the monks in the area of responsibility And determine the forms of health promotion for monks Through participation from government agencies, community leaders, and modeling monks' behavior And questioning information, listening to a briefing of the policies that are implemented to monks, making plans that must be clear in analyzing the situation. Health problems in all areas As well as discovering causes of monk's health problems, data based on indicators indicating policy implementation To comply with the policy.
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