The Development of Mathematical Problem Solving Skills in the Subjects of Combined Addition and Subtraction Problems by using 5Es Inquiry Learning Cycle Integrated with TGT Cooperative Learning Technique for Prathom Suksa 2 Students

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Kalsuda Popom
Ratchaniwan Anutragulcha


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to develop mathematical problem solving skills in the subjects of combined addition and subtraction problems by using 5Es inquiry learning cycle    integrated with TGT cooperative learning technique for Prathom Suksa 2 students, an average score was not less than 70% of total score and the number of students who passed the criteria was not less than 70% of the total number of students and 2) todevelop mathematical learning achievement in the subjects of combined addition and subtraction problems by using 5Es inquiry learning cycle integrated with TGT cooperative learning technique, an average score was not less than 70% of total score and the number of students who passed the criteria was not less than 70% of the total number of students. The target group consisted of Prathom Suksa 2 students at Ban Sapplakang School under the office of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area 1 in the 1st semester of academic year 2019 with the total number of 15 persons. This research was pre-experimental with one-group and post-test research design. The research instruments consisted of 1) 8 learning management plans, 16 hours, 2) 4 items of mathematical problem solving skills essay test and 3) learning achievement test with 4 choices of 30 items. The statistics used to analyze data comprised percentage, average and standard deviation.

          The research results were found that: 1. The average score of students’ mathematics problem solving skills was 80.56% and the number of students who passed the criteria was 80% with the total number of 12 people, which was higher than the set criteria. 2. The average score of students’ learning achievement was 75.56% and the number of students who passed the criteria was 80% with the total number of 12 people, which was higher than the set criteria.

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How to Cite
Popom, K., & Anutragulcha, R. (2020). The Development of Mathematical Problem Solving Skills in the Subjects of Combined Addition and Subtraction Problems by using 5Es Inquiry Learning Cycle Integrated with TGT Cooperative Learning Technique for Prathom Suksa 2 Students. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 507–517. Retrieved from
Research Article


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