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Pikul Meemana
Thongmoon Noinont
Wipaphan Ubpanisakorn


          This article is intended to explain policy making in relation to management principles and to study the political factors affecting public policy formulation through the management perspective. Throughout the presentation of the form of public policy making in terms of management principles. The results of the study found a model of public policy making from a management perspective mean The public policy making through quality management methods primarily affects the highest performance. That is, good governance in public policy making, which outlines the elements of good governance for consideration that is 1) Administrative factors such as morality, ethics, rule of law and rule of law. 2) Management methods or processes are: principle of participation Principles of checks and balances responsibility principle and the principle of decentralization. 3) The results of management are the principle of efficiency. Effectiveness Principles transparency principle Value principle and response principles and 4) administrative outcomes, i.e. the principle of justice democratic values and the principles of public welfare.

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How to Cite
Meemana, P., Noinont, T., & Ubpanisakorn, W. (2022). MODEL OF PUBLIC POLICY FORMULATION THROUGH THE ADMINISTRATION. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), ึ738–748. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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