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Natthapon Chanpon
Thatchai Chittranun


          The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the current condition, the desirable condition and the priority needs index of the implementation of internal quality assurance of schools under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2, 2) to develop the guidelines of internal quality assurance for schools under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2.The sample group consisted of 205 administrators, teachers, and educational personnel, Key informants consisted of administrators and teachers from 3 pilot schools and 5 luminaries to assess guideline suitability and guideline possibility. Research instruments were questionnaire, interview form, and assessment form used to assess the guideline suitability and the guideline possibility. Statistics analyzed data consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNImodified.

          The research result was found that; 1. The implementation of internal quality assurance of schools under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2 has the current condition overall was at moderate level and the desirable condition overall was at a high level. The result of the priority needs index analyzed sort by descending included Organization of administrative and information systems, Setting educational standards of educational institutions, Providing for continuous educational quality development, Arranging an internal quality assessment in accordance with the educational standards of the educational institution, Establishing an educational development plan for educational institutions that focuses on quality according to educational standards of educational institutions, Preparing an annual report that is an internal quality assessment report, The implementation of the educational management development plan of educational institutions, respectively. 2. The guidelines of internal quality assurance for schools under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2 consisted of 8 elements, 32 guidelines with the guideline suitability assessment and the guideline possibility assessment both overall were at high levels.


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How to Cite
Chanpon, N., & Chittranun, T. (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOLS UNDER MAHASARAKHAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 464–478. Retrieved from
Research Article


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