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The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the Management condition of Good governance–based Administration of administrators in school under Vocational Institute of Northeast Region 3, 2) to compare the Good governance–based Administration of administrators in school under Vocational Institute of Northeast Region 3, and 3) to gather Management recommendations of Good governance–based administration of administrators in school under Vocational Institute of Northeast Region 3. The sample groups in this research were 242 instructors form 9 institutes of Vocational Education Northeastern Region 3. The instrument used for data collection was a five-level estimation scale questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test.
The results of the research were as follows: 1.The overall state of management condition of the good governance–based Administration of administrators in school under Vocational Institute of Northeast Region 3 was at a high level. Ranked from high to low averages were morality, ethics, efficiency, and the side with the lowest mean is response side 2. Comparison of opinions on good governance–based administration of administrators classified by gender, educational background and work experience by overall. And in each aspect, there was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level. 3. Suggestions and opinions must be based on good and bad reasons. The most importantly, try to get everyone involved so as to focus on the benefit of the public. The reason going consider revising, decision making and decentralized.
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